Saturday, March 21, 2015

Catching up

Well, it's been quite a while.  This blogging thing is tough to keep up with, but for posterity's sake I figured I should document what I've been up to.  So without further ado, here goes.

I finished two projects for Christmas presents this year.  Both were received with almost-tears, so I think that was a success.  First was for my SIL's mother, Stacia, who has basically adopted us all into her family.  This piece just screamed her name when I first saw it.  She's been going through some health issues, but has had a really great attitude through all of it.

Dance in the Rain (c) Lizzie*Kate
30 ct natural linen
started 9/19/14, finished 9/26/14

Next was another Lizzie*Kate (these make such great gifts!) for my friend Christine, who is such a dog person.
Dog Lessons for People (c) Lizzie*Kate
32 ct raw natural linen
started 9/27/14, finished 10/14/14

Like I said both were received very well which makes all of the work worth it.  I'll need to get framed pictures of each, since I totally forgot to do that before I gave them away.

What I DIDN"T finish for Christmas was the Family Sampler for my brother and Janelle.  But since it's going to cost me a small fortune to frame, I think it really needs to be a wedding present (which hopefully they will get around to eventually).  Here it is at 100 hours.

Family Sampler
(c) Little House Needleworks
32 ct vintage buttercream linen
3/21/15 - 100 hours

Next time I'll be charting out the family and name so that should be fun.  And speaking of time, I've decided to make this a 5 hour focus piece, which means I'll work on this for 5 hours in-between all of the other pieces which I'll work on for 10 hours apiece.  That way it should get done relatively quickly (and hopefully they'll be getting married in the near future!)

Next up - Antique Shoes!


  1. I definitely love this site

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    وتتعامل الشركة مع طاقم عمل مدرب علي أعلي مستوي وخبير في تركيب كافة أنواع الأثاث عامة وأثاث أيكيا بصفه خاصة كما يخضع طاقم العمل للكثير من الدورات التدريبية الدورية التي تقوم بها الشركة لتحسين أدائه وتطويره
    كما تستخدم الشركة أحدث الأجهزة والمعدات الخاصة بتركيب أثاث ايكيا وبأعلى التقنيات كما تقدم الشركة أسعار لا تقبل المنافسة لذا فهي تناسب جميع الفئات والطبقات وقامت شركة تركيب اثاث الأيكيا بالرياض بتفعيلة خاصية خدمة العملاء للرد علي كافة استفسارات عملائها الكرام


  3. تعد شركة الإتقان واحدة من أكبر وأشهر شركات الخدمات المنزلية بالمملكة العربية السعودية لما تقدمه الشركات من خدمات متنوعة بجودة وإحترافية عالية.
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