I’ve always wanted to do a “100 Random Things About Me” and I got tagged in Facebook for a 25 Things one, so I figured I’d start there and eventually finish all 100. This was actually a lot of fun to do!
1. I’m a complete and utter slob at home. I’m hoping owning our own home will change that.
2. I’m very organized at work. I’m the type of person who needs everything on her desk lined up (and I’ve been known to do it to other people’s desks as well).
3. I’m pretty compulsive about my checkbook and people who aren’t make me twitch.
4. I was told by a boss once that I pay attention to the details I think are important – not all of them. I think I fit this to a tee.
5. I have a degree in Chemistry that I’ve never used. I set my sweater on fire once in Chem lab and figured lab work probably wasn’t the best vocation for me.
6. I love crafts and making stuff – all kinds of stuff.
7. I don’t understand the point of nonproductive hobbies like video games and sports.
8. I like working for a construction company because I like to see the stuff we’ve “made” (even though it’s piping and I can’t really see it – I know it’s there).
9. I lived in the same house until I was 23. I’ve lived in 2 states and 7 apartments since then (I’m hoping buying a house changes this too!)
10. I’m scared of heights.
11. I’m also scared of open water since I saw a movie as a kid about a ship that sunk and the injured people were just set adrift for the sharks to get them. Freaked. Me. Out.
12. I’m a terrible speller and an even worse proof reader (this is not conducive to the job I have!)
13. I’m a pretty logical person and like logic-type problems (I even liked “word problems” as a kid!)
14. I’m married to and the daughter of 2 of the smartest men I know. This is at the same time very convenient and somewhat annoying.
15. I married my high school sweetheart (although we took a few years off in college before we got married).
16. I have an only child and am okay with this (although she and her father really are not).
17. I’m thinking about getting my nose pierced.
18. I like the idea of being near the ocean, but I’m not really a beach person. I’ve been to the beach a lot more since my daughter was born – she loves it.
19. I would love to live in Portsmouth, NH.
20. I don’t really like to watch documentaries or “learning” TV. I enjoy mindless entertainment much more.
21. I prefer action movies to “chick flicks”.
22. I’m pretty tall (5’ 10¼”) but people usually think I’m taller.
23. I’m horrible at keeping in touch with people and answering e-mails. If I owe you an e-mail, don’t take it personally.
24. I can be obsessive about collecting things – so I don’t let myself collect anything anymore.
25. After 13 years of marriage I’ve finally become a marginal baseball and basketball fan – but I still don’t like football.